Markets, Redefined.

Exponents is a liquidation-free derivatives platform for each and every onchain asset - with a built-in incentivization system for projects and traders

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What's next for

With the development of new financial market models in DeFi, the onchain space serves as a perfect proving ground for the advancement of new market models.


Bitcoin was launched, kickstarting the potential of blockchains in financial markets


Ethereum introduces programmability to onchain assets


Uniswap initiates the financialization of onchain assets

2024 and beyond

DeFi’s maturation provides unique opportunities for financial models to further advance

Questioning the obvious: liquidations

Liquidations, generally thought to be obvious and good for the market, actually cause major market inefficiencies. Aside from being a bad experience for traders, they incentivize market collusions via short squeezes - recently observed with GME/AMC and nickel markets a few years back, and a daily occurrence in crypto markets. Exponents provide payoff for any asset pairs, all free from immediate liquidations.

The adoption strategy

Exponents will make
yield farming great again


Crypto’s 2 interactions:

Liquidity, Speculation

Going to the fundamentals of crypto, there are only 2 interactions that users can do in crypto markets. It’s always either you provide liquidity, or speculate on tokens.

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DeFi grew from incentive layers for


All the things that happened with DeFi summer and yield farming, which brought billions of dollars of liquidity, was only possible because people built incentive layers for liquidity.

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But why no incentive layers for


Exponents adds a new dimension to incentive games, enabling projects the ability to provide direct incentives for traders to long their token. Protocols may also crush competition by providing incentives for traders to short their competitors’ tokens.

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Converting crypto tribalism to a capital game

Crypto is always going to be tribalistic, with similar protocols competing for the same network and userbase. Before Exponents, the only method for market superiority was to play the social game on crypto Twitter. Exponents is converting this to a financial market, just like how Uber crushed Lyft with capital, but now onchain.

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Redefining what markets could be